March 14, 2011

Menu Plan Monday!

Hi All- We're back with another edition of Menu Plan Monday. As always, we're linking up with our friends at! Go check them out to find all sorts of menu planning awesomeness. 

Monday: Pork tenderloin with mushroom gravy (we're not going to stuff it), whole wheat couscous, roasted broccoli

Tuesday: Feta-spinach stuffed chicken breast, brown rice and green peas (frozen from Trader Joe's)

Wednesday: St. Patrick's Eve dinner party! Corned beef (in the slow cooker!), and cabbage, shepherd's pie and Guinness chocolate cupcakes with Bailey's frosting.  

Thursday: Slow cooker BBQ chicken (we have drumsticks and thighs in the freezer), sweet potato fries

Friday: Leftovers 

Saturday: Slow cooker Minestrone soup, homemade whole wheat bread (try this- it's amazing!)
                    This is a stack of recipes I've cut out of magazines and need to file!

What are you cooking this week?? Any springy recipes? We're dying for some fresh produce from the farmer's market! Mmmm pea shoots. 


  1. Monday: Grilled Cheese sandwiches and Soup (Spaghettios for K-man)

    Tuesday: Anniversary dinner at the Sole!

    Wednesday: Southwestern Turkey Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and some TBD veg.

    Thursday: Leftover sausage stuffed turkey breast with rice and veg

    Friday: I want a salmon burger and kman will have a chicken sammich.

  2. Uhm give me all, please. We had awesome grilled cheeses yesterday on my homemade whole wheat bread. Nom. You should try masked sweet potatoes with the meatloaf, that's what we always do and it's so yum. xo

  3. The REAL question is Ally are you making REAL shepards pie with lamb, or are you making COTTAGE pie with beef?
    Also, might I highly suggest making a Guinness gravy to go with that shepards pie? We do it alll the time :) It's de-lish!

  4. I can't wait for more fruits & veggies to be in season! It's hard to cook our favorite springy recipes right now because the veggies they require are either not looking so good or super expensive.

  5. Hey Katie- we second that!!! I'm craving asparagus, sweet peas and baby lettuce like crazy! We just followed you guys, so we're looking forward to sharing some springy recipes soon!



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