May 1, 2011

Menu Plan Monday!

Good morning! First things first...
This is our life. Also: what I wish I was snuggling with right now. Anyway. 

Happy Monday! Here's what we've got cookin' this week:

Monday: Cilantro crusted cod, whole wheat couscous and summer squash 

Tuesday: Mike's Shepherd's Pie

Wednesday: Greek Salad with chicken

Thursday: Happy Cinco de Mayo!- Pork tenderloin tacos 

Friday: French onion soup and arugula salad

I don't know about you, but I'm REALLY looking forward to dinner this week! Oh, and so is this guy: 

Linked up, as always, with Orgjunkie!


  1. Thanks for stopping by Mangoes and Chutney today! I've gotta say that I am excited for your menu this week too! So many great things to choose from - I love Smitten Kitchen and Bobby Flay, and those two dishes are going on my next menu for sure! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Miranda! We made the cilantro fish last night and it turned out really well. Thanks for visiting!



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