August 2, 2011


I had such a yummy lunch that I needed to hop right over here and blog about it. Does that ever happen to you? You eat something delicious and immediately need to tell someone about it? Oh...just me? Okay then. 
Whole wheat pita, Cedar's hummus, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, tzatziki and sriracha. Mmm. Super messy to eat, but worth it. This would be easy to throw together in the morning before work, too. (I also had the last 8 corn chips leftover from a party this weekend, because they are so  yummy and I have zero self control with crunchy snacks.)


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  2. Yum! This looks so good! (And yes, I too get those moments where I need to share what I'm eating NOW. :) )

  3. It's an easy meal to prepare for breakfast with the right serving of pita and veggies.

  4. Nope me too!! Your right this look soooooo good!!! Send me one asap!


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