April 4, 2011

Menu Plan Monday!

Good morning! Hope that you enjoyed your weekend as much as we did! We're definitely ready to meet this week head-on, and that includes starting off with another exciting installation of Menu Plan Monday! 
A certain feline member of our family enjoying the sunshine!!

As always, we're linking up with the fabulous Orgjunkie.com, so head on over and check out all of the menu plans that are being posted. Tons and tons of awesome menu-planning inspiration!

Monday: Cottage pie (from our meal swap), asparagus with lemon zest

Tuesday: Out for dinner with family

Wednesday: Pork green chili, rice and beans (from our meal swap)

Thursday: Slow Cooker pot roast, roasted garlic broccoli

Friday: Dijon chicken breasts, quinoa with veggies

That's it for us! What are you planning for this lovely first week of April? Anything springy popping up on your menus??orgjunkie.com


  1. I didn't plan yet. But taquitos tonight with Mexican rice and probably some cucumbers because we are obsessed with cucumbers.

  2. Oooh love taquitos. I'm totally craving Mexican- we have pork green chili from our meal swap that I'm so looking forward to!


  3. RUDY'S.

    Also, did Forkey bully you into calling it cottage pie? She's too funny.

  4. Oooh yes please! Just tell us when you want to go- we still have that gift cert.

    Also, nope we already ate that one- this one is a true cottage pie, made by a neighbor in our dinner co-op! It was super nommy


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