April 25, 2011

Tiny Improvements Check In- Month 1

Hi darling readers! How was your Easter weekend? Ours was full of family, food and a great service at the Church I grew up in! Oh, and an absolutely gorgeous Sunday! The flowers are in full bloom at my folks' house, the lilac bushes are budding and the birds are chirping. Spring is finally here! 
Also here is the one month mark since I decided to start making some changes in our eating/living.  How's it going so far? Not bad. Still a loo-ooo-ooong way to go, but we're headed in the right direction. So far, I've lost about a pound. 
To refresh your memory, here are my goals: 

  • I’m starting out with a high-protein/low-carb/tons of fresh veggies approach and seeing how my body responds. So far, so good! I'm also eating steel cut oats for breakfast, yum!
  • Mike and I are scheduling in cardio workouts 3x a week and yoga twice a week. We’re going to add in bike rides, walks and hiking once the weather gets nice. Not going so well- Mike's work schedule is making it tough for us to get to the gym, but I've been walking the mile to and from the train station instead of taking the bus!
  • I’m challenging myself to drink 8+glasses of water a day. I’ll do this by bringing my 24 oz. water bottle to work- I’ll be more likely to guzzle it if I have it with me! This is going well! It helps that I've been putting hot sauce/sriracha on everything! 
  • I’ll start taking a multi-vitamin and a probiotic regularly. I’m hoping this will also help boost my immune system (thanks to the kids I work with, I get tons of colds). I've been slacking on this one. Woops! 
  • Switch my eating style to mini-meals- a good breakfast followed by little, protein-packed meals throughout the day (5 total meals). Yes! I've noticed my sugar cravings are being less intense, which (hopefully!) means my metabolism/blood sugar is evening out. 
So there you have it, lovely readers. Month 1 is in the books. The weather is finally nice, so we have no excuses to not get outside and burn some calories. Mike and I are thinking about starting a neighborhood sports team of some kind...

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