April 16, 2011

Lettuce Lunch

I'm back (with a full belly) to tell you about another healthy lunch I stumbled upon today! Lettuce tacos.

This morning, I awoke with a fierce craving for some tacos. Like, immediately. Living in a neighborhood as diverse as ours, we're spoiled with various Latin American restaurants. We can get albondigas, pupusas, mole and tacos of all kinds on virtually any corner. Lucky for our taste buds. Not so much for our waistlines.
Peeking into the fridge, I immediately saw the leftovers from a dinner party we went to last night: guacamole and some ground turkey that we ate in lettuce wraps. Hence, the lettuce taco is born. I wanted to save some carbs, so subbing a lettuce leaf for a taco shell or tortilla was a little stroke of genius. (Tooting my own horn. Toot.)
Starting with a little quinoa salad from a few nights ago, topped with some ground turkey (just a little bit), guacamole and Trader Joe's fresh salsa- they were definitely a success. Any mish-mash of ingredients would work, and topped with some hot sauce and fat-free sour cream they definitely eased my taco craving. For now.

Are you a lettuce wrapper? What other healthy swaps can you share with us?


  1. Tacos seriously account for at least 10 of the extra pounds I'm carrying, if not more. So this is a great idea for me, because I can't just stop eating tacos. Now if I could find a way to step away from the queso dip....

  2. I want tacos for every meal. The taquerias in our neighborhood are straight up ridiculous. They make these tacos with ammmmazing guac, pico de gallo and delicious meats. And they're $2 each. Omg.

  3. I love tacos,and we would sometimes wrap it in lettuce too.Spring rolls wrapped in lettuce tastes great too.I followed you from the foodie blog roll and I'd love to guide Foodista readers to your site. I hope you could add this taco widget at the end of this post so we could add you in our list of food bloggers who blogged about ideas for tacos,Thanks!


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