January 6, 2011

Little Closet of Horrors

This blog is causing us to do things we've never done before. Like...show you the horrifying insides of our disorganized closets and drawers. You've already seen our spice drawer, which was an easy fix.

This next thing we're going to show you- not so much. In our apartment, we have TWO closets. One in the bedroom and one for the entire rest of the place. This entryway closet has to serve approximately 33,000 purposes- storage for craft, tool, photo, office, decoration, gift wrapping, sewing machine/supply, tech component, etc. etc. etc. Might I add that this cave of wonders measures in at just 30 inches wide by 21 inches deep? Oh yeah. Roomy.

Deep breath. Here goes:


It's not that we haven't made attempts at organizing.

Not good enough. We still have tons of this to deal with:

This is our "to be filed" file. Which is constantly overflowing because...we don't have anywhere to file it! Go figure.

Our solution???

Be scared, closet. Be very, very scared.

We scored a bunch of these nifty Kassett boxes at IKEA for...wait for it...$.75/each!!!! Bargain!!!

Our plan is to use these babies to stash our design magazines, receipts for taxes and various other things to be filed. We also picked up a few other boxes with lids in hopes of corralling all of the things that don't have homes, yet.

We're feeling super daunted by this project, but excited at the same time. Of course, we'll keep you posted with the progress! We're hoping to tackle it over the weekend, so keep your eyes peeled on Monday.

What about you? Are there any organizing nightmares that you're hoping to tackle this year?? Comment and let us know!


  1. Wow, good luck! I'll be spending my weekend at my very first Ikea ever - so figure!


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