January 10, 2011

Headboard Dilemma

Good morning, Tiny people! So, I'd like to start off with a little confession/celebration. When we started this blog, part of the reason was that Mike was laid off, so we had tons of time on our hands. BUT we didn't want to bring down the tone of our posts, so we decided not to tell you. Well..that part is over, because he started a new (and AWESOME) job this morning. For the sake of privacy, I won't tell you what company he's working for, but suffice it to say that it's in an eco-friendly field (which delights us to no end) and should be really interesting and useful for our future home.

Yay! Party party! Mike and Grayfeet are both very excited.

Anyway. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

We want to make a headboard. Our bed is anchored on the longest uniterrupted wall of our bedroom and we haven't found the art/wall sculpture/decoration to make it pop. It's so blahhh and white and boring. (We thought about painting, but since we're not planning to stay here we don't want to invest in it and then have to re-paint)

So...we're thinking headboard! An easy way to inject a little personality into the place, right? We're going to make it, using Young House Love's awesome tutorial. Not sure on a fabric yet, but I'm loving the blue-green in option #2.

This is where you come in. We've narrowed down the shape to these three. Let us know which is your favorite in the comments!!!!

1) (From Amazon.com)


(The Draper's Bed From L.A. Times)


(From West Elm)


  1. I like number one, including the nailhead trim. I have a serious weakness for that trim, and my husband hates it. Blast! But I like that shape the best, too. :) Good luck, can't wait to see how it looks!

  2. Thanks, Sara! I loooove the nailhead trim, too. Not sure if we're patient enough to pull it off, but maybe. How was IKEA, by the way? Did you go?


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